Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Finish Line

We Have the Prize!

2 years later and allot of sweat. We are done!!!!!!!!!!!! What you see are the coveted immigration Visas. The meeting at the embassy went smooth and I loved the words of the lady behind the counter, "Congratulations, you made it".

Xray of lungs

They had never seen such a thing and really thought the B&W picture was cool. This was one of the steps at the medical center as well as blood drawn, shots and waiting...waiting.. waiting.

Oleg and Pasha (almost an american boy)

Trying to stay entertained while we waited at the medical center

Celebration at the Movie House in 3D

Try this one. The kids had never seen a 3D movie before. They laughed, screamed and talked out loud during the entire movie. We will work on movie etiquette when we get home. Another first!

How to ruin kids in 1 day!

When I said "yes" to popcorn, they screamed out load. How is that for gratitude. Once again new things that you never thought twice about. These are the small rewards for me. Popcorn, Pringles and bottled water for dinner! Good job dad (We had a good snack after the movie). The Stockwells also joined us for the movie.

Another First

Tonight Lena was so excited to pick out a swimsuit for the big adventure at a lake tomorrow. This is the first time she has bought a new swimsuit. The kids usually trade suits around at the orphanage. As soon as we arrived home tonight she put it on just to wear it for a few minutes. She is so easy to make happy.

Pasha's new cool shirt

Tonight he was able to pick out a cool shirt on his own to wear on the airplane. He loved it and knew it was expensive, but I could tell he hoped so bad that I would say yes. I love their gratitude.

Not Apples

How about tomatoes for a snack.

Lena calling her orphanage family to give the news

She was so excited to tell her orphanage family that she can now go to the USA.

Kiev has beautiful buildings that are hundreds of years old.

Not an old building - No Comment

An old tower

Personal Note: We will be home this Saturday night, Delta 1733 from JFK to arrive at 10:37 PM. The kids would love to see their Ukraine friends and new family, if you are free.

What a journey. Hard..yes. Rewarding...yes. Expensive...yes. Hot...yes. An experience that I wouldn't trade for anything...yes. We (My wife and I) have learned so much from these two kids and their orphan family. I hope I will never forget the many life principles they have taught us. I am sure they will make our family a better home. Can't wait to be home!

There is no doubt that the other side of the veil has assisted us with this ???? I don't even know what to call it (adoption, process, blessing , adventure, training??). But it was Great!.

Welcome Home: Pasha Joshua Gledhill(16) and Lena Isabella Gledhill(13).


  1. Welcome home Pasha Joshua and Lena Isabella! Someday you will look back and realize that your parents began this adoption journey way back in 2006. They have been through He@% and high water, many tears and frustration, and years of waiting to get you here. However, from reading their blog, it's evident that it was worth the long journey. Your smiles say it all. (I can't stop laughing at those pictures of you at the 3-D movie! hahaha

    Congrats Gledhill family.

  2. I love their excitement and gratitude as well! So refreshing! I hop e they keep it until Christmas morning! I love reading your blog. A very big congratulations to all of you! Well done!

  3. What a great post! Congratulations to all of you!

  4. BIG congrats to you! What a blessing for your family....the journey is just beginning for all of you. What a family you will make....Love you all and can't wait to meet them and welcome them to the family.
