Sunday, July 18, 2010

Saturday - Sunday in Sumy

Dima at Orpahage

Its a big day! We have luggage!!!!!!!!!!!!

We learned a small sliver of how an orphan lives with 1 set of clothes. Good experience but we are grateful to have clean clothes.We had a great time with the kids at the orphanage Saturday. We also met Dima who is a sweet kind boy , 13 years old. He is a great soccer player. Yesterday we were talking with the all the kids and we later found out that Dima went off in tears. We learned that he wants a family. It was so hard on him to watch us, knowing that two of his friends are soon to leave with a Mom and Dad. This broke our hearts. I could hardly get home that night without crying in the taxi. It all came out when I walked in the apartment. I have never felt so humble.

Alexa at Church

This morning we went to church with the Stockwells who are also adopting from the same orphanage. Before we left I had read on their Blog about this member named Alexa. After Sacrament meeting the Stokwells introduced us to him. I could not control my emotions. I was overwhelmed with humility by his commitment to the gospel. Alexa is Deaf. He joined the church 15 years ago. His wife was angry with him and left him and forbid him to never see his daughter again. Alexa comes to church faithfully each week . He rides his bike 3 hours each way. His has a wonderful spirit. The missionaries are so good to him along with the rest of the branch. Each week someone sits next to him and writes down everything that is said so he can understand what is being said at the meetings. Again we are humbled and grateful for everything we have.

Pasha and Lena with the missionaries.

While we were at Church we learned that one of the missionaries Elder Stirling (left) was adopted from Russia at the age of 15. His family lives in Arizona. He is now serving in Sumy. We asked if Elder Stirling and his companion would come and talk with our kids and Stockwells about his story after church ,being adopted and joining the church. We feel blessed to have met him. This was Elder Stirlings last week at this branch before being transfered. We were all at the right place at the right time. It is no coincidence that this all happened . We know that we are in the lords hands right now.


  1. ask the missionaries if they know elder shumway

  2. What an awesome post.
    I will put Dima's picture on my blog too. The more chance people have of seeing his picture...the better-right? (Does anyone know if he is eligible for adoption? If his parents still have rights?) How very sad to want parents and to be left behind. I don't blame you for crying.
    What an amazing man-that Alexa and how awesome that you and Stockwell's children will have a chance to hear the testimony of Elder Sitrlings. I wish all our children could have the same opportunity.
    And last but not glad you're luggage came! You looked great all the same but I bet you're enjoying not having to "nuke" your clothes each night!

  3. Hi Gledhills. I just wanted you guys to know we're following along on your blog and reliving our cold, dark days in Sumy. We will pray everything goes smoothly for you.

  4. I used to work at the US Embassy in Kiev. There's nothing worse than these LDS missionary-clowns. They stir up nothing but anti-American resentment from the government and many of the citizens in a Orthodox and Catholic country. They're looked upon as American agents. Terrible when you're dealing with the issue of nuclear weapons and trying to woo them away from Russian influence. Thanks for making the job of the US government that much harder LDS.
