Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday at the Orphanage Pt. A

This is the road to the swimming hole.

Today our facilitator is in Kiev so we had the day to just be with the kids. They were so excited to just "hang out". We were told we could not take them anywhere off the orphanage area today so the the kids wanted to go to their favorite swimming hole. It is hot and it helps to cool them off from the heat during the middle of the day. It is about 102 plus Humidity. I have never sweat so much before in my life.

A real "in use" 50ft deep water well.

Just 5 feet from the dirt road was this working water well. The kids stoped and lowered the bucket down about 50 feet to get fresh water for a drink. This well is used everyday by many people who live near by to get their water. If I hadn't of seen it I wouldn't believed it. In some ways it was so fun to see and experience.

Lena drinking the cold fresh water. (Dima on the left)

The kids love to get a cold drink on the way to the swimming hole and on the way back. It takes us about 25 min. to walk each way on the dirt road.

We made it. The kids could not wait to get in. Off comes the shorts and their underwear works perfect for swimming trunks. Lots of mud!

The Gang Plank at the Ole' Swimming Hole

Dale and I watched the perfect " Normal Rockwell " painting LIVE today as we sat at the swimming hole . It was wonderful! We did not swim, learning from our friends the Stockwells who told us last time they came here Matt(the dad) got sick from having swallowed some water. Happy to just to watch. There was so much moss in the water but no big deal to the kids. They are so happy and the air was filled with sounds of laughter and splashing. We spent most of the afternoon there and all the kids could say was . . . . . " Watch me" " Watch me". They were so happy to have someone to show off too. I know I have said it before but everything is just so emotional to me. I never relized how important it really is to a child to have a Mom or a Dad to say "watch me". Great time!


  1. Becky- Kristine and I have decided we need to read this blog at home alone. I know it is such a joyous occasion but we both are too emotional to read about Dima, the shoes, etc. We are feeling very humble and have a new found appreciation for growing up with a childhood of non-stop "watch-me's". Thank you for sharing your journey. It is fascinating to read and we can't wait to find out how that toilet did in fact work...so interesting! :)-Amy (Grandway Office)

  2. What a journey you are going on. Talk about the ups and downs of carnival rides, you are on the "mother load". I imagine that the emotions of those children are magnified many times yours. Already they are loved by your extended family. I so wish Mom could have had a part of this. It has been 23 years since I was in Russia and I can see that nothing has changed. Getting excited to meet the rest of your family. XO to all. Carol
